If you are planning to volunteer in your child’s classroom, help out on field trips, volunteer in our school for special events, please come by the office, we will have you fill out the forms below. These forms need to be filled out on a yearly basis. In addition you MUST obtain criminal record check clearance.
Criminal Record Check Process:
The Ministry of Justice regulations require ANY volunteer who comes near or works around children to complete a criminal record check PRIOR to volunteering, regardless of the time spent working near or around them. This requirement involves a Criminal Record Search, valid for 5 years, which includes a Vulnerable Sector Search.
If you have a BC Services account you will email: criminal.check@abbyschools.ca to request the online CRC application link and include your full name, that you want to volunteer and if you have a BC Services account.
If you do not have a BC Services account then you will go the School Board office with two pieces of ID.
Please contact our school if you have any questions regarding this new requirement.
Steps to become a volunteer:
1. Fill out the following documents:
AP 416-1 Letter of Understanding (Volunteers)
AP 416-2 Volunteer Application Form
AP 416-4 Confidentiality Understanding - Parent Volunteers and Non Employees form
OR Pick up a volunteer package at our school office, fill out the required forms and return to the school.
2. Once your form has been approved, have your criminal record check processed (see below)
Criminal Record Check Process:
Once we receive your criminal record check clearance from HR, we will contact you to inform you that you’ve been added to our approved volunteer list. At this time, you can start volunteering.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer in our school.
Please note: Volunteers and noon-hour supervisors will not be permitted to volunteer/work until HR receives their CRC clearance back from the Ministry of Justice and notifies the school if it is cleared or not.