Registration Information
Registration for 2025-2026
If your child is turning 5 in 2024, you may register your child for kindergarten starting January 20, 2025 at 9:30.
For more information, please to to the District Website
Thank You For Your Interest in our School!
Are we your catchment school?
1. Enter your primary home address into our School Locator portal to determine your neighbourhood catchment school. Families must register first with their neighbourhood catchment school, regardless of where they may want to send their child.
Please follow the directions below to register:
1. Open, fill in and save ALL Registration documents (see below) on your computer (a mobile device will not work as well).
2. Look at the list of "Required Proof of Registration" documents below. Scan each document to PDF format - please no photo's of documents.
3. Email all Registration Documents and Proof of Registration to ross@abbyschools.ca on or after 9:30 am on January 20th or bring them into the school in person. Someone will call or reply to your email to confirm receipt of your registration. **Emailed registrations received prior to 8:00 am January 20th will not be processed.
1. Print off the documents below at home or pick up a pre-printed Registration package from the school and fill them in by hand. You may pick up a Registration Package before January 20, but not hand it in till January 20.
2. Make Copies of all "Required Proof of Registration" documents listed below. If you are unable to copy, bring your Proof of Registration when you come and we will copy them for you.
**Please fill all forms out completely. Incomplete forms will NOT be accepted.
Parents will also need to provide all of the following REQUIRED information for each child they are registering. Click Here for a print out of this list.
Proof of age of the child by birth certificate is required for all new student registrations (schools will make a photo copy). To ensure the child being registered qualifies for Ministry of Education funding, the biological parents/legal guardians’ status and the biological parents/legal guardians’ residency need to be established. Schools may register the child providing the following are established:
1. At least one biological parent/legal guardian is a Canadian Citizen by birth or naturalized (obtained citizenship) and they can support this with the following pieces of identification:
Parent’s Canadian Citizenship Card;
Parent’s Canadian Birth Certificate; and
Parent’s Canadian Passport.
2. The biological parent/legal guardian must provide proof of residency, and provide ONE of the following:
- Utility bill
- Mortgage document
- Property Sale Agreement
- Property Tax Notice/Assessment
3. In addition ONE of the following seven documents containing the name and address of the parent/guardian is required:
- child tax credit statement
- income tax assessment
- Vehicle Insurance
- most recent T4 slip
- Government document (eg MSP bill)
4. You will also need to provide your child's Personal Health Card (if not enrolled in MSP, please provide private medical insurance documents for field trip purposes)
Registration will be considered complete when a parent/guardian has provided all the required supporting documents (proof of address, birth certificate etc.) along with a fully completed Student Registration form. Submission of these documents may be through the online registration portal, or by submitting registration documents via email or in person.
Please do not send pictures of required documents, please send in PDF form. Thank you!
New To Canada
Procedure for school registration for families new to Canada
Permanent Residents
Contact the Settlement Workers in School (SWIS) program for assistance with school registration, or go to your catchment school to register.
Inder.singh@archway.ca or 604-217-4584
Temporary Residents (parents with work permits, study permits, or refugee claimants)
Children of temporary residents must first verify their childrens’ eligibility to receive ministry funded education in Canada prior to registering at school. Applications for ministry funding can be submitted using the following link:
If you need help completing the online application you may contact the SWIS program at Inder.singh@archway.ca or 604-217-4584
Naturalized Citizens
Register directly at your neighbourhood’s catchment school
If you have questions you may email newtocanadaregistration@abbyschools.ca
Child With Special Needs
If you have a child who has special needs or may need Learning Services, here is some info for you:
What if I have a Child with Special Needs?
What if I have a Child who will need Learning Services?
What can I do to help my child be ready for Kindergarten?
Early Years Brochure
For more information see the District Website
Medical Issues
If your child has any medical issues that we need to know about or requires medication at school, please fill out the attached forms and have your doctor sign the forms prior to your child starting kindergarten
Request for Administration of Medication at school
What if I want to apply to a school in a different neighbourhood catchment?
If you are interested in having your child attend a school that is not your catchment school, you will need to apply through a AP 336-3 In-District Non-Catchment Request. Applications will be received by the requested school beginning February 1, 2024. Kindergarten out-of-catchment applications will be reviewed AFTER the first week of school in September. Out-of-catchment applications will only be considered once all catchment students have been accommodated. An application does not guarantee acceptance. You will still need to formally register at your neighbourhood catchment school.
If you have any questions, please call 604-856-6079 or refer to the School District website for more information