
Covid-19 Safety Measures

February 24, 2022

Considering recent changes to the Provincial Health Orders regarding COVID-19 safety measures, as recommended by school district authorities I am happy to provide you with a revised summary of the safety measures at Ross Elementary.

Our Safety Measures Include:

  • Full time, in-person instruction
  • Masks required of all students in K-12 and all staff (except those with exemptions)
  • Daily health checks required of staff and students
  • Hand hygiene practised regularly throughout the day
  • Strategies in place to respect physical distancing
  • Daily cleaning/disinfecting protocols
  • School sports/extracurricular activities to resume
  • Gatherings, such as staff meetings and assemblies will resume (respecting occupancy limits and using all available space to spread out)
  • Extracurricular indoor organized gatherings set to 50 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater
  • Outdoor activities preferred
  • P.E. and School Sports

          - Masks required for all students and staff except when doing high intensity physical activities
          - Shared equipment can be used – disinfected at least once a day                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Practice hand hygiene before and after use

         - Spread out as much as possible within the space available
         - Outdoors encouraged
         - Intra and interschool sports can continue in alignment with local, regional, and provincial health orders and guidance

  • Visitors continue to follow sign in and sign out process

          - Daily health assessment and hand hygiene required
          - Awareness of communicable disease protocols, and mask requirement communicated clearly to all visitors
          - Volunteers, practicum students, visitors supporting schools, or those providing service on a regular basis must complete district “Communicable Disease Training” and an on-site orientation

  • Staff Only Spaces

         - respect room occupancy limits, use available space to spread out, consider virtual options --- Ensure alignment with the PHO Order

  •  Every student in our school receives one box of tests (5 tests included per box)

I wish to take this opportunity to remind all families of the importance of doing daily health checks with their children. Please keep children at home who show any signs of illness – including sniffles. I also remind families to have a plan in place for picking children up should they become ill at school.