Shape of the Week - Jan 20 - 25
Jan 20- Kindergarten Registration opens
Jan 22- Grade 4/5 Handball @ 3:45@ Bradner
Jan 23- Division 1 and 2 field trip
Jan 24- Orders for hot lunch due
Message to community:
This week I got to visit Rick Hansen Secondary and hear about the grade 12 capstone projects. It’s wonderful to see students so passionate about their futures and actively pursuing their interests. One student shadowed a nurse in Fraser Health gained invaluable insights into the healthcare field, and it’s great to hear about her aspiration to become a nurse. Similarly, another student was already working in the family cabinet business and showed strong sense of tradition and craftsmanship.
It’s clear that Rick Hansen Secondary School is fostering a supportive and engaging environment for its students. I look forward to hearing about Ross students when they get to grade 12 and see what inspires them.
The Province collects a lot of data to help us understand our students and communities. Please help us by completing the learning survey. The link is:
Division 2 and 6 are buddy classes and they have been working on building a book together on book creator. They are highlighting themselves and their buddies and they will be adding many pages into their book to show their learning journey this term. It will be a book that they are very proud of. The grade 5’s have been learning about land formations in science with Mrs. Johnson.
Student Learning Survey 2024/2025
The Provincial Student Learning Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools. It gathers information from parents/guardians/caregivers, teachers, and students on topics related to school environment, safety, and achievement. The information is used for planning in individual schools and provides a district and provincial perspective. Early in 2025 the Student Learning Survey will be administered to students in grade 4, their parents/guardians/caregivers, and all school staff. We encourage parents/guardians/caregivers to participate in this survey, as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The surveys contain standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.
The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at Any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure. The survey can be accessed through the link and by clicking on Take the Survey. On the login page, click on the Parents icon, and then select the school district and school name where your child attends school. Provincial, District and School Reports for previous years can be viewed at the same site under the Results section. The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 604-856-6079.
How do I help my child learn to read?
There are certain words where the sounds don’t match the letters. Don't children just need to memorize those words? Nope!
The truth is, we don’t memorize words by just looking at them. It's a much deeper process called orthographic mapping. In simple terms, orthographic mapping is when we match the sounds, we hear in a word to the letters that make those sounds. When a child can do that, they can automatically read a word.
When reading a word that “doesn’t play fair”, try pointing out the parts of the word that do make sense! Then tell your child the sounds of the letters that aren’t playing fair. Example: FROM has 4 sounds. 3 of those sounds play fair! So, we put a heart above the o because it makes a /u/ sound. They must learn that letter by heart.
If you are driving your child to school, please park on the street and walk to get your child. If you are dropping off using the bus lane, please be aware that the bus arrives at 8:45am and you need to be quick about the kids getting out of the car. If you drop off in the lane closest to the road, please have them exit onto the grass and use the crosswalk to cross the street. Please do not park and leave your vehicle in the bus lane.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is already growing. If you are able to label your child’s clothes, we do our very best to get any clothes left on the playground back to them. We will put out our Lost and Found every Friday, so please come and have look.
If your child is going to be absent, please use the Safe Arrival which can be found on the Ross website - . If they are late, please come and check in at the office. If you are not going to be riding the bus, please also let us know that you are picking up your child. Our phone number is 604-856-6079.
Kristen Vogel
Ross PAC:
Please check your child’s backpack for
Sign up to receive emails from the Ross PAC: Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose. Stay informed and keep up to date with upcoming PAC events, news and more.
Upcoming Dates :
Jan 28- bring your stuffie to school
Jan 29- grade 4/5 Handball @ 3:45@ Aberdeen
Jan 31- Hot lunch-Canteen and booster juice
Feb 1st- Black history month
Feb 3- District DPAC meeting 6:30-8:30 @ the Clarion
Feb 5- grade 4/5 basketball @ 3:45@ TBA
Feb 7- Hot Lunch
Feb 11- PAC meeting in person
Feb 12- grade 4/5 basketball @ 3:45@ TBA
Feb 13- Crazy Hair Day
Feb 14- Professional Development Day
Feb 17- Family Day-No school
Feb 19- Student Led Conferences/ Dismissal at 12:30
Feb 20- Student Led Conferences/ Dismissal at 12:30
Feb 26- Pink Shirt Day
Feb 28- Hot Lunch
- Posted: January 17, 2025 - 2:23pm
- Expires: January 25, 2025 - 1:00pm