
Shape of the Week - Feb 24 - 28

Feb 26- grade 4/5 basketball @ 3:45@ Aberdeen

Feb 26- Pink Shirt Day

Feb 28- Hot Lunch/Canteen

Message to community:

A big thank you to all the parents who attended the student-led conferences! The kids are very proud of their learning and love to share it with those they love. If you didn’t get a chance to connect with your child’s teacher, please reach out.

Another highlight this week was on the playground. A little deer wandered onto the grass field during recess. We watched as it tried to figure out how to jump the fence. The kids had many ideas about how we could help. We discussed how the deer needed to learn on its own, and if we rescued it, it wouldn’t be able to learn. After we went inside, the deer figured it out.

Just a reminder that there is no supervision for children dropped off before 8:30. For their safety, please do not drop them off before 8:45.


"As I was wandering the halls this morning, I asked a couple of students what they are learning. In Division 6, they are learning about the life cycles of birds and the Arctic. I asked Aria and Mehar what they learned. They responded with, ‘Penguins are warm-blooded, and the Arctic is so cold that you can’t crack the water.’

In Division 3, they are learning about the Sami people. Apparently, the Sami people live in the north of Norway and Sweden. It took a lot of consultation to figure out where the Sami people were from. I talked to Peyton from Division 2, and they are learning long division. Her statement was, ‘It is not that hard.’


If you are driving your child to school, please park on the street and walk to get your child.  If you are dropping off using the bus lane, please be aware that the bus arrives at 8:45am and you need to be quick about the kids getting out of the car. If you drop off in the lane closest to the road, please have them exit onto the grass and use the crosswalk to cross the street.  Please do not park and leave your vehicle in the bus lane. 

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is already growing. If you are able to label your child’s clothes, we do our very best to get any clothes left on the playground back to them. We will put out our Lost and Found every Friday, so please come and have look.


If your child is going to be absent, please use the Safe Arrival which can be found on the Ross website -  . If they are late, please come and check in at the office. If you are not going to be riding the bus, please also let us know that you are picking up your child.  Our phone number is 604-856-6079.

Ross PAC:
Sign up to receive emails from the Ross PAC:  Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose. Stay informed and keep up to date with upcoming PAC events, news and more.

Tiger Stripes Learning Centre:
Onsite Out of School Childcare

Full time, part time & drop in available

For more information, please email or call or 778-772-6289

Registration is open for spring break. Please contact us for more information. 

Upcoming Date:
March 5- grade 4/5 basketball @ Aberdeen@ 3:45

March 7- Drumming workshop for students

March 12- Twin Day

March 14- Last day of school before spring break

March 14- hot lunch


  • Posted: February 21, 2025 - 3:27pm
  • Expires: February 28, 2025 - 2:00pm